My lord and spymaster by joanna bourne
My lord and spymaster by joanna bourne

my lord and spymaster by joanna bourne my lord and spymaster by joanna bourne

Respectable was flat beer compared to that. She’d learned to keep accounts, working out a fair cut.

my lord and spymaster by joanna bourne

She missed the best part-jingling the coins out on the cobbles, squatting down with her mates, and counting out the take. Slithering away with a purse, wise and secret. Missed the cool, stealthy slide of fingers into a coat. Papa used to say that, clouting her on the side of the head a bit to let her know who he was talking about. ONCE YOU GET A TASTE FOR THIEVERY, YOU never lose it.

My lord and spymaster by joanna bourne